Useful Resources

FIGO, International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Gynuity Health Projects

World Health Organisation

The University of Liverpool

Information from Reproductive Health Technologies Project

K4Health produces an excellent, extensive postpartum haemorrhage toolkit

International Consortium for Medical Abortion The International Consortium for Medical Abortion (ICMA) has brought together key players in the field from all regions of the world, to promote medical abortion within the framework of support for safe abortion worldwide, focusing on the needs of women in developing countries, including those countries where abortion is unsafe or not accessible. The website shares information and resources on medical abortion and provide links to information and materials produced by others in the field.

Global Library of Women’s Medicine. A not-for-profit website providing FREE universal access to a vast, peer-reviewed resource for women’s medicine. It is an unique initiative by many of the world’s most distinguished physicians to do something practical and effective to enhance the healthcare of women.


Women on Waves Some FAQs on Misoprostol and its obsteric-gynaecological uses.

Misoprostol in Russian. A Russian translation of this website is in progress. Information on Misoprostol in Russian can currently be found here.

Misoprostol Sales

Mexico: (in Spanish)

Pakistan: Miso available in 25mcg (registered for labour induction) and 100mcg tablets (registered for PPH prevention and treatment).

Women on Waves: Site recommending companies and websites from which Misoprostol should not be bought.